A Guide that will help to start a Banana Chips making business
If you are bored over your stressful job and trying to start a business, then making Banana Chips will be a good business option. Users need to contact a Banana Wafer Making Machine Manufacturer; they will give you all the information about how machine works. Apart from that, our guide will also be helpful to successfully run your Banana Wafer making business.
Do some Research
We all know that many companies are already dealing in Banana chips for the past many years. So users should look how they have established their market and what MRP they kept for their product. You should do some research how companies are doing packaging to make their product attractive.
Legal Formalities
Users have to go with some legal formalities to make their business stable. Users can start their Banana Chips Business as a Pvt Ltd Company. You need to get FSSI license to start the business and also have to go with BIS registration to maintain quality standards. For securing you brand name, you can register yourself with trademark registration and then finally, apply for GSTIN.
Unit Establishment
Now you have to establish your business unit properly where you should have a land of at least 1000 sq. Feet. The land should be fully covered, if you don’t have any land then you can go with a lease option. You need to make sure that there is proper amount of water supply and transportation facility.
Raw Material
It is quite important to have good quality raw material so that quality cannot be compromised. You need raw bananas, oil, salt, spices, and some more things. The packing cannot be ignored in any condition and that’s why we have to go with heavy layers corrugated boxes to maintain inside